baby Gabe chillin' in the Bumbo
We both dream of being parents, and have for a long time. We struggled trying to have children of our own. We have prayed and learned about our alternatives, and we think that adoption is the right step for us. We believe that adoption is about love, and we are joyful to give all we have in order to help our children grow up happy and to have all that they could ever need. We love children and we firmly believe that a child will strengthen our family and bring great joy to our lives. We feel adoption was kind of 'meant to be' for us in many ways.
Both Manuel and Megan have experience with adoption. Some of Manuel’s friends growing up were adopted, and they were very open and honest about it. Megan worked in an orphanage in Ecuador, an experience that has changed her and given her a new perspective about adoption.

We adopted Gabriel in February of 2010. We view having Gabe in our lives as one of the greatest blessings we ever could receive. When we look at him we know all the years of waiting for a child were so worth it and we'll do it all over again because it's been such a wonderful experience. Adoption is always hard but also so wonderful at the same time.