Friday, December 14, 2007

Help Us Adopt!

There are many things that you could do to help us. Letting people know about what we are doing is one of the most important ones. The more people know we want to adopt, the bigger the chances that a birthmother will hear about us and will contact us.

Give people our website address, our email, or our phone number. We are planning to print some pass along cards, and if you help us spread them around, that would help as well.

Another thing you could do to help is donating just a few dollars. Adoption is costly for adopting couples, even through LDS Family Services, which is a non profit organization. If you would like to help us that way, you can send us some money via Paypal using your Paypal account or your debit or credit card. Simply click in the "donate" button and follow the instructions.

Finally, we can use all the prayers that we can get! We know that every child that comes to a family is a gift from God, and adoption is no different.

Thank you so much for your help.


Manuel and Megan